Running Away

Something I haven’t talked about a whole lot lately on the blog is running. But that doesn’t mean it hasn’t been happening behind the scenes.

This fall, I’ve got three races scheduled:

  • Veteran’s Day 10K.  The weekend of my birthday, Ben, Christen and I are all running the Veteran’s Day 10K.  Some of you may remember that a bunch of us ran the 10K last year.  I’m excited that Ben is running it with me this year, plus it gives me some company on my training runs.
  • Hot Chocolate 15K The race sounds fantastic, and the swag is awesome compared to the Veteran’s Day 10K.  Its sponsored by Ghirardelli, and the money goes to the Ronald McDonald House Charities.  You get a cool jacket for participating.  Jane is coming in town to run this with me, plus I have a lot of friends from work running it as well.
  • Disney Princess Half Marathon.  This is the big one.  Jane+Christen+Anna+13.1 miles through Magic Kingdom and EPCOT.  I’m so beyond stoked for this, and I’m already planning my costume.  Any guesses as to which Disney princess I plan on being?

Part of the reason I signed up for the 10K and 15K is to make sure that I’m training properly for the Half Marathon.  These fall races will make sure I build the miles and base needed to carry me 13.1 miles.

I’m excited to have company for all my races.  I’m especially happy that Ben is joining for the 10K – it will be his first race ever.  I think we’re gonna stick together for the first half, and then I’m gonna let him go ahead and burn rubber.